
Saturday, September 04, 2021

இதுதான் இஸ்லாம்.

 கஃபாவை சுற்றி வரும்போது வெயில் கடுமையாக தாக்குகிறது. உடனே ஒரு வெளி நாட்டவர் அங்கு காவலுக்கு நிற்கும் காவலரிடம் அவரின் குடையை கேட்கிறார். காவலரும் சந்தோஷத்தோடு தனது குடையை தருகிறார்.

இதுதான் இஸ்லாம்.
A security man embodies the highest meaning of humanity in Masjid Al Haram and presents his umbrella to the pilgrim who requested it.


Dr.Anburaj said...

தினசரி நடக்கும் மிகச் சாதாரண செயல்.

Dr.Anburaj said...

இதுதான் தாலிபான்கள்.
ஆப்பானிஸ்தானுக்கு சொந்தக்காரா்கள் ஹிந்துக்கள்.அது ஹிந்து புமி.அரேபிய காடையர்களால் ஆக்கிரமிக்கப்பட்டு அரபு மயமாகி இன்று மனித இரத்தம் குளமாக நிறைந்து வழியும் ஒரு அற்புத புமி. கௌதமா் அன்பை போதித்தாா். அரேபியன் பிற மனிதனை காபீா் ஆக்கி கொல்ல கற்றுக்கொடுக்கிறான். தாலிபான்கள் . . . பாக்கிஸ்தானின் செல்லப்பிள்ளைகள் . . . அடுத்த இலக்கு காஷ்மீா என்று அறிவித்து விட்டாா்கள்.A Taliban Leader Gives out Taliban’s Plans for Indian Kashmir in an Interview with the Pro-Taliban Urdu Daily of Pakistan, Ummat
Kashmiri Leader Says India Will Have to Withdraw From Kashmir

Main Points:

1. This hints Taliban plans for heightening militant activities in Kashmir in near future. India needs to shrug off complacency.

3. India needs to chalk out a defence strategy in face of current challenges in Afghanistan.


By New Age Islam Staff Writer

9 August 2021

According to MEMRI, the Afghan Taliban have made their intentions clear about Kashmir in an interview to Pakistan’s Urdu daily Ummat recently and this should alert India. The Taliban leader Farooque Rahmani said in no uncertain terms, “As has happened in Afghanistan, the occupation forces will have to leave Kashmir too.” He says,” The evacuation of the US and NATO forces from Afghanistan and Taliban’s advances has become a ray of hope for the oppressed Muslims of the occupied Kashmir. All Party Hurriyat Conference convenor Farooque Rahmani and other Kashmiri ‘freedom fighters’ have described advances of the Taliban in Afghanistan as the writing on the wall for India.

Farooque Rahmani, the convenor of APHC, also said "We hope that the advances of the Taliban fighters will have positive consequences for the region and the entire world.”

Earlier, the Afghanistan government had sought India’s military help in preventing Taliban form gaining ground.

Pakistan Urdu Daily Ummat


The interview should open India’s eyes and it should come out of the air of complacency. If the Taliban come to power in Afghanistan, they will certainly open a front against India. Pakistan is openly supporting Taliban in Afghanistan and for this it has already shifted terrorist outfits like Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad to Afghanistan to help it against the Afghan government and fight India in case of Indian intervention. In return Pakistan plans to use Taliban in Kashmir.The interview exposes dangerous intent of Taliban and Pakistan in future. After Taliban gains a clear foothold in Afghanistan, it will expand its militant activities in Kashmir.

India has made investments worth billions in Afghanistan and Pakistan will try to dislodge India in Afghanistan both politically and economically. India has important trade interests in the country. Until now, India’s trade and economic interests were protected due to the US and NATO presence. But now that the US and NATO have left, India needs to chalk out its diplomatic and defence strategy to save its investments worth billions..

In this regard, India may have some lessons to learn from Russia. When its trade and economic interests were at stake because of the ambitions of the US and Saudi Arabia during the Syrian civil war, Russia took a hard and decisive stand that if the US and Saudi Arabia attack Syria, it will not sit silent but will wage a war to protect its investments in the region. Putin even ordered its military to remain on 2-minute mode meaning being ready for a full fledged decisive war. This aggressive posturing saved Russia the day and the US did not muster courage to attack and destroy Syria. Will India go to that extent to save its interests in Afghan? Only time will tell.


Dr.Anburaj said...

தலிபான்கள் இந்தியாவில் தலையிட்டால் சுவனப்பிரியன் என்ன செய்வாா் ?

Dr.Anburaj said...

A denier of the veil is an infidel and an unveiled woman is lewd".

"Conditions of wearing a veil:

1. The veil must cover the whole body.

2. Women's clothes must not be thin.

3. Women's clothes must not be decorated and colourful.

4. Women's clothes must not be narrow and tight to prevent the seditious limbs from being noticed. The veil must not be thin.

5. Women must not perfume themselves. If a perfumed woman passes by a crowd of men, she is considered to be adulterous.

6. Women's clothes must not resemble men's clothes.

"In addition,

1. They must not perfume themselves.

2. They must not wear adorning clothes.

3. They must not wear thin clothes.

4. They must not wear narrow and tight clothes.

5. They must cover their entire bodies.

6. Their clothes must not resemble men's clothes.

7. Muslim women's clothes must not resemble non-Muslim women's clothes.

8. Their foot ornaments must not produce sound.

9. They must not wear sound-producing garments.

10. They must not walk in the middle of the streets.

11. They must not go out of their houses without their husband's permission.

Dr.Anburaj said...

.12. They must not talk to strange men.

13. If it is necessary to talk, they must talk in a low voice and without laughter.

14. They must not look at strangers.

15. They must not mix with strangers."


After considering the findings of the RAWA survey as well as the recent vows of Taliban spokespersons to protect women's rights, one would infer that the Taliban are unlikely to reform and that Afghan women's worst fears may come true.

ஆண்களுக்கு பிரம்மச்சரியம் கட்டாயம் என்று எந்த ஷரியாவும் சட்டம் இயற்றவில்லை.ஷரியாவில் இருக்கிறதா. அதுதான் 1-4 திருமணங்கள் செய்து கொள்ளுங்கள்.குமு்பெண்கள் எத்தனை வேண்டுமானாலும் வைப்பாட்டியா கவைத்துக்காள்ளுங்கள் என்பதுதான் அரேபியா.

vara vijay said...

Why are you circling kabba?