
Saturday, October 14, 2023

'நாங்கள் அமைதியாக இருக்கப் போவதில்லை' @suvanappiriyan


Dr.Anburaj said...

A civil war in Jordan from September 1970-July 1971, which began after several failed assassination attempts on the Jordanian king and the hijacking of three airplanes. The conflict centered on whether Jordan would be controlled by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) or the Hashemite monarchy. The Palestinian population in Jordan at that time comprised 60% of the entire populace. Thousands (predominantly Palestinians) were killed. King Hussein and the Jordanian Armed Forces were backed by the United States and Israel against the PLO, while Hussein's attacks on Palestinian fighters and civilians were seen as traitorous in the Arab world. The PLO leadership and thousands of Palestinian fighters were expelled from Jordan to Lebanon. The Black September Group, known best for its role in the murder of Israeli athletes during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, took its name from this event. See "1970: Civil war breaks out in Jordan," BBC "On This Day," September 17, 1970ஜோர்டான் நாடு இரக்கபபட்டு பாலஸ்தீனா்களுக்கு அடைக்கலம் கொடுத்தது.ஆனால்அ நயவஞ்சகா்கள் நாட்டு மன்னா் ஹீசைனைக் கொன்ற ஆட்சியை பிடித்த சதி செய்தாா்கள். பலபகுதிகளில் பெரும்பான்மை பலம் பெற்ற பாலஸ்தீா்கள் பெரும் கலவரம் செய்தாா்கள். ஜோா்டான் மன்னா் ராணுவ நடவடிக்கைக்கு உத்தரவிட்டாா். ஆயிரக்கணக்கில் பாலஸ்தீனா்கள் கொல்லப்பட்டு ஜோர்டானை விட்டு விரட்டப்பட்டாா்கள். இந்த நாள் கருப்பு செப்டம்பா் 1970 என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறது. உண்ட வீட்டுக்கு இரண்டகம் செய்பவர்கள் பாலஸதீனா்கள். இந்த உள்நாட்டு கலவரத்தை அடக்க ஜோர்டானுக்கு இஸ்ரவேல் உதவியது.

பாலஸ்தீனா்கள் பரம யோக்கியா்கள்!

Dr.Anburaj said...

1970: Civil war breaks out in Jordan
The Jordanian army has launched a full-scale attack on Palestinian guerrillas in towns all over Jordan following weeks of sporadic fighting between the two sides.
King Hussein's generals ordered tanks into the capital Amman at dawn using artillery and rockets against mortar fire.

The strategic town of Zerka, that controls supply routes to the north of the country, was also the scene of heavy fighting.

There have been claims and counterclaims of victory. Amman Radio said the Jordanian army controlled three-quarters of the capital while Palestinian sources said they controlled the whole city, where Palestinians make up 70% of the population.

Amman airport and the country's borders are closed, and telecommunications lines are down.

New military government

King Hussein's troops are reported to have stormed the headquarters of the Palestine Liberation Organisation.

But the whereabouts of PLO leader Yasser Arafat are as yet unknown, although he is believed to be in Syria which has supported the Palestinian cause.

Following the 1967 war with Israel, Jordan lost the West Bank of the Jordan River. Thousands of Palestinians fled into Jordan, swelling the refugee population to two million.

From their new base, the PLO launched military operations against Israel and drew bloody reprisals that killed and injured Jordanians.

The recent multiple hijacking of western airliners forced to land in Jordan by Palestinian militants has made the king even more determined to crack down on the guerrillas.

King Hussein condemned the hijackers as "the shame of the Arab world" in an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro earlier this week.

He also warned that if the PLO guerrillas did not respect recent ceasefire agreements "they would suffer the consequences".

He added: "Every day Jordan sinks a little more. There must be peace - or war."

Yesterday he formed a new government of military hardliners led by Brigadier Mohammed Daoud in a move described by Mr Arafat as a "fascist military coup".

For their part, Palestinians are angered by King Hussein's recent involvement in Middle East peace moves with Israel initiated by the United States.

The US Defence Secretary, Melvin Laird, has said that if necessary all 300 US citizens in Jordan will be airlifted out.

He also suggested America may provide military support to King Hussein's government if the situation worsened and said some units of the Sixth Fleet had moved closer to the area in the last 24 hours.

Dr.Anburaj said...


பாலஸ்தீனா்கள் ஜோர்டானை விட்டு விரட்டப்பட்ட கதை ( யுதா்கள் விரட்டவில்லை. ஜோர்டான் ஒரு அரபு நாடு.
During what became known as Black September, Yasser Arafat ordered the overthrow of King Hussein's "Fascist government".
Syria, Iraq and Israel quickly became involved and Syrian troops invaded Jordan.

The US 6th Fleet moved into the Mediterranean, the Soviet Union began leaning heavily on its ally Syria to pull out and the PLO guerrillas were gradually driven out of the suburbs of Amman.

Yasser Arafat agreed to a ceasefire on 25 September. Under the terms of the agreement signed two days later in Cairo his troops were to withdraw from Jordanian towns and cities and recognise the king's authority.

Fighting continued into 1971 when King Hussein drove out the Palestinians from their remaining bases and expelled them from the country.

The Palestinian extremist group Black September was named after the month in which the Palestinians were driven out of Jordan.

Dr.Anburaj said...

massacre thousands of Palestinians
After the 1967 war, lakhs of Palestinians were forced into Jordan where the leaders of its resistance found a foothold. Backed by Iraq and Syria, the Palestinian militants challenged Jordanian King Hussein. Pakistan's Zia-Ul-Haq, then a Brigadier, helped Jordan massacre thousands of Palestinians.

Jordan's King Hussein killed more Palestinians in 11 days than Israel could kill in 20 years, former Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Dayan is quoted by authors to have said. And it was none other than Pakistan’s General Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq, then a Brigadier, who helped King Hussein carry out the massacre of 25,000 Palestinians, in what is now known as Black September of 1970.It was the same Zia-ul-Haq, who, as Brigadier and during his secondment in Jordan, assisted King Hussein to kill thousands of Palestinians and drive out the Palestinian resistance leadership from that country.

People in Pakistan have seen Zia-ul-Haq’s role in the massacre of Palestinians as a warm-up for the upheaval he would go on to carry out in Pakistan. He came to be known as the "Palestinian killer” in Pakistan.

மன்னா்ஹிசைனுக்கு ஆதரவாக இருந்தவா் முன்னாள் பாக்கிஸ்தான் தலைமை தளபதி யாக இருந்த ஷியா உல் ஹக்தான். ஜோா்டானில் பிரிகேடியராக மாற்றுப்பணியில் இருந்தவா் பாலஸ்தீனா்களை கொன்று குவித்தாா். இஸ்ரவேலால் கொல்லப்பட்ட பாலஸ்தீனா்களை விட ஜோர்டானில் கொல்லப்பட்டவா்்கள் அதிகம்.

Dr.Anburaj said...

பாலஸ்தீனா்கள் தங்கள் நாட்டிற்கு வரக் கூடாது என்று ஜோர்டானும் எகிப்தும் உறுதியாகத் தெரிவித்து விட்டன்.


உண்மையில் மத்திய கிழக்கில் என்னதான் நடக்கிறது??