
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

முஹம்மது ஃபஹீம் - சாதனையாளன்

முஹம்மது ஃபஹீம் - சாதனையாளன்
ஐயாயிரம் ஆண்டுகள் முன்பு உள்ள தேதியை சொன்னாலும் உடன் அதன் கிழமைகளை தயக்கமின்றி இந்த 13 வயது மாணவன் சொல்கிறான். ராமநாதபுரம் மாவட்டம் கீழக்கரையைச் செர்ந்த முஹம்மது ஃபஹீம் என்ற இந்த மாணவன் இந்திய சாதனையாளர்கள் பட்டியலில் இடம் பெற்றுள்ளான்.
இந்த மாணவனின் திறமையை ஆக்கபூர்வமாக பயன்படுதிக் கொள்ளும் சூழலை இறைவன் ஏற்படுத்துவானாக!


vara vijay said...

Islamic calender is insufficent to do this.

Dr.Anburaj said...

இந்தியாவையும் அதன் சமய தத்துவங்களை நேசிக்கும் ஒரு ஆஸ்திரேலிய தாய் அளிக்கும் விளக்கம்.

“Can you imagine – in Europe there are people who believe there is no Bhagawan (God)!” Baba Ramdev, a highly popular yogi, said this to a sea of thousands of Indian schoolchildren with an expression of genuine wonderment on his face. I saw it on TV and it made me smile.

He is right. In Europe there are people who believe there is no God and I almost had become one of them. It is quite normal there. Yet for most Indians this is unbelievable: ‘Don’t these Europeans have any reasoning power? Can’t they come to the conclusion that there must be an invisible power and intelligence at the base of this vast universe and actually in our own bodies made up of billions of intelligent cells, as well? ‘They certainly have a point.

However, most Indians are not aware why many westerners believe there is no God. The reason is that we in the west have, if I may say so, a different God. Right from childhood we are ‘taught’ about the Christian God who is declared to be the only true God: a male, superman-like entity, watching over us from an unknown place, who is greatly favouring Christians, is jealous of other gods and actually quite unfair, because he sends all those who don’t join his Church, eternally to hell. Eternally! Already as a teenager, I lost faith in this God and together with it, thankfully, the fear of hell.

In 1980 I stopped over in India on my way to Australia. At least, that was what I thought. I did not break my journey in India for spiritual reasons, as I did not associate Hinduism with anything worthwhile. In school I had learnt that Hinduism is about an unjust caste system and plenty of (false, since Christianity has the true one) gods, and not knowing better, I had believed it. However, during this stopover, I stumbled on India’s ancient tradition and was amazed at its depth. I appreciated that intelligence was used in trying to establish the truth about this universe and no unverifiable dogmas were imposed. Swami Vivekananda’s “Jnana Yoga” was the first book I read. He stands in a long line of Rishis who have dedicated themselves since time immemorial to an intensive, disciplined, inner search for what is essentially true. Their findings don’t contradict modern science:

The basis of every appearance in this universe, including our own person, is the same one Essence or Presence – real, infinite, eternal, formless and nameless. All forms and names are like waves on the ocean. The waves may think that they are separate from the ocean. They may not even see the ocean but only other waves. They may cling to their (temporary) form and be terrified to lose it, but ultimately all waves are nothing but the ocean and nothing is lost when their form subsides. Similarly, though we may consider ourselves as separate from the whole and cling to our impermanent person, our essence is pure, limitless awareness and nothing of substance is lost when form and name are lost. The purpose of life and its fulfillment is to discover who we really are, the rishis declared.

Dr.Anburaj said...

முழுமையாக வெளியிடடிருக்கலாமே.

ASHAK SJ said...

அட பாவத்த, கடைசியில பாபா ராம்தேவை தூக்கி பிடிக்கவேண்டிய நிலை ஆயிடுச்சே, என்ன இருந்தாலும் மேலாடை தராத குமுஸாக ஆக்கிய இந்துமதத்தை தூக்கி பிடிக்கலாமா?